Welcome, and thank you for your interest in booking a schedule with us.

For the cover design, we generally use 3D rendering for the fantasy genre (not all) and stock from Depositphotos and Shutterstock that allows unlimited online (digital) sales, unlimited website visitors, and up to 500,000 copies in print. For more information on licensing, please visit www.depositphotos.com and www.shuterstock.com.

Step 1: Fill out this form if you want us to reserve a slot. Please note that we may decline your request if the design doesn't fall within our skill set or if we feel we cannot do it. You might want to check out our portfolio to understand our style.

Step 2: We will contact you within 48 hours to confirm your schedule.

Step 3: We will send you another questionnaire before the scheduled date.

Step 4: We will start designing on the scheduled date. Please wait patiently for 3-5 days (depending on the complexity of the design, but usually you would be able to receive the sample design by the 3rd day). And we need your detailed feedback to come up with the design you want.

Step 5: After all those revisions and finishing the design, we will send you the contract and the remaining invoice. Once we receive the contract and payment, we will send you the files within 24 hours.

Booking a Custom Cover

Thank you for trusting us!

Available slots for July - October 2025.